Modify this program so that it writes the values in two columns, like this:
using namespace std;
int main
\ufeff \ufeffPrompt for the input and output file names
\ufeff cout \ufeff"Input file: \ufeffendl;
\ufeff string inputfile; cin \ufeffinputfile;
\ufeff cout \ufeff"Output file: \ufeffendl;
\ufeff string outputfile; cin \ufeffoutputfile;
\ufeff \ufeffConstruct the streams for reading and writing
\ufeff ifstream ininputfile;
\ufeff ofstream outoutputfile;
\ufeff \ufeffCheck for errors and format the output stream
\ufeff if infail \ \ufeffreturn ;
\ufeff out \ufefffixed \ufeffsetprecision;
\ufeff \ufeffRead the input and write the output
\ufeff double total ;
\ufeff double value;
\ufeff while in \ufeffvalue
\ufeff out \ufeffsetw \ufeffvalue \ufeffendl;
\ufeff total \ufefftotal \ufeffvalue;
\ufeff out \ufeff"Total: \ufeffsetw \ufefftotal \ufeffendl;
\ufeff return ;